Cinema Summer Camp

The Summer School of Film and Cretan Culture of the Chania Film Festival!

An educational action from the Chania Film Festival

Presentation of the Cinema Summer Camp

An international meeting of film education with emphasis on Documentary and the Culture of Crete.

The aim of the "Summer School of Cinema" / "CinemaSummerCamp" programme is to introduce the participants, through a series of theoretical and experiential activities, a) the Art and Technique of Documentary c) the basic principles of audiovisual and cinematographic education b) the Culture of Crete.

Workshops, seminars, discussions, screenings, visits, music nights, culinary explorations and a series of other events make up a 10-day programme, offering the group the opportunity to experience unique experiences.

Moreover, apart from the elements of Knowledge and Learning, the programme also includes the element of Creation as the team - each time - creates its own documentary.

The programme is implemented by the Chania Film Festival / ChaniaFilmFestival.

The Festival is a year-round organization that is active in the field of Cinema, Education and Culture.
A Regional Cultural Institution with a rich programme of events and activities. Pioneering, innovative, youthful actions with vitality, dynamism and clear qualitative characteristics.
Since the establishment of the CFF, particular emphasis has been placed on the development of cinematographic and, more generally, audiovisual education for children and young people. In this context, annual and accelerated training programmes in film literacy and filmmaking are developed. Emphasis is placed on the documentary and its relation to Oral and Local History.


The first ten days of July each year.

The venue of the Summer School and the Camp of the Chania Film Festival is the Conference Centre and the wider areas of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania.

The Conference Centre with its flexible design combines first-class standards of comfort and service with the latest technology in a privileged location. It is located in a picturesque, typical Mediterranean pine forest, 3 km southeast of the city of Chania, 13 km from the International Airport and 1 km from the Port of Chania.

The "Cinema Summer Camp" has a total duration of 10 days including arrival and departure days.

Depending on the module:

  • Teachers of the first/secondary (Kindergarten teachers, classroom teachers and specialties) and second/secondary education.
  • Students and graduates of Film Schools and other schools of related subjects.
  • Students and graduates of Pedagogical Schools and Schools with Social Orientation studies.
  • Workshop Facilitators
  • Students of primary, secondary school and high school.

Successful completion of the programme leads to the issue of a Certificate of Participation.

The planning and implementation of the Summer Schools is done with the participation of the entire Training and Creative Team of the Chania Film Festival. At the same time, important external collaborators - trainers from the fields of Cinema, Education and Culture participate in the development of the Summer School's programmes.

The programme is implemented by the Chania Film Festival / ChaniaFilmFestival.

The Festival is a year-round organization that is active in the field of Cinema, Education and Culture. A Regional Cultural Institution with a rich programme of events and activities. Pioneering, innovative, youthful actions with vitality, dynamism and clear qualitative characteristics.

Since the establishment of the CFF, particular emphasis has been placed on the development of cinematographic and, more generally, audiovisual education for children and young people. In this context, annual and accelerated training programmes in film literacy and filmmaking are developed. Emphasis is placed on the documentary and its relation to Oral and Local History.

For questions and/or clarifications you can send an email to:

[email protected]

The programs of the Summer Schools of the Chania Film Festival are an open proposal to the Educators or other Organizations that would like to participate their members as a group in them. It is addressed -as the case may be- to pupils, students, teachers, filmmakers, artists and anyone who would like to experience a creative holiday, focusing on Cinema and getting to know the Culture of Crete. All through lived experiences.

In this context, the possibility of designing a specialised programme is envisaged, following a relevant interest from a body of Education, Culture or Local Government. A creative holiday programme in the context of which participants will be able to acquire basic skills in Film Education with emphasis on documentary filmmaking, as well as learn about the Culture and Culture of Crete.

The relevant targeted programmes can be implemented at any time during the year.

The idea started in 2010, with the implementation of a meeting on Rural Tourism and New Technologies, which took place in Astrika, in the Municipality of Platanias, Chania. The meeting was titled "Discovering Olive and Oil with the technique of animation" and aimed at linking the dynamics of a product, such as olive oil, with the innovation of the animation technique.

For 4 days, in the mornings (10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.) the trainees (teachers, students, artists etc.) were trained through experiential activities developed by Spyros Siacas, animation director. In the afternoons - and in the context of the parallel activities of the meeting - the cultural wealth of the region was explored through a series of parallel events of educational, environmental and cultural character.
As a place for the implementation of the action, the olive oil production enterprise "Vialea" was chosen, which was designed and operated as a visitable unit for the production of traditional olive oil in Greece.

Since then, a series of meetings have taken place in this context, focusing on the passage of time in Documentary and Local Culture.
Both the economic crisis and the pandemic of recent years made it impossible in recent years to hold the meeting, which now, from 2022, returns as a systematic and constant activity of the Chania Film Festival.

Cinema Summer Camp 2022

The Summer School of Film and Cretan Culture 2022 of the Chania Film Festival took place 01 - 10 July 2022 at MAICH Chania hosting the summer youth camp of the Goethe-Institut Athen under the special title 3,2,1 ACTION! YOUNG FILMMAKERS IN ACTION!

Cinema Summer Camp 2023

The 2023 Summer School of Film and Cretan Culture of the Chania Film Festival is scheduled for the first 10 years of July!

More information soon.

Coming Soon